保质期36 month
Unitol 00116:高质量分散,凝固时间短,粘结强度高。用于工艺和工业生产的快速生产过程。开放时间长。
High-quality dispersion of stress group D2 for short setting time and highest bonding strength. Use in fast production processes of craft and industrial production. Long open time.
Unitol 00410:具有中等凝固期、填充性能和高抗振性。适用于多种木质复合材料的木材粘接。粘塑性胶接,不要倾向于胶接设备。
Dispersion of stress group D2 with medium setting period, fi lling properties and high resistance to vibration breakthrough at veneer bondings. Suitable for bondings of wood with many wooden comites. Viscoplastic bondings, do not tend to lute tooling equipment.
![热熔胶Kaurit 122 P](//l.b2b168.com/2020/07/07/14/202007071404524397284.jpg)
Unimelt PUR系列热熔胶介绍:
Unimelt PUR 41139
Unimelt PUR 41337
Unimelt PUR 41337 w
Unimelt PUR 41362
Unimelt PUR 41363-1
Unimelt PUR 41617
Unimelt PUR 41434
Unimelt PUR 41402
Unimelt 02108
![热熔胶Kaurit 122 P](//l.b2b168.com/2020/07/07/14/202007071449376093364.jpg)
Unimelt 02108:建筑热熔,适用于斜接接头和基于EVA的车身接头.
Construction hotmelt , suitabel for mitre joints and and body joints based on EVA.
Unitol 00536:高粘合强度的粘塑性胶粘用喷雾分散体。设计用于木栓插入机中的木栓胶合,**用于硬木和框架粘合。
Sprayable dispersion for viscoplastic gluing with high bonding strength. Designed for gluing of wooden dowles in dowel insertion machines, preferred use on hard wood and frame bonding.
![热熔胶Kaurit 122 P](//l.b2b168.com/2020/07/07/14/202007071449493276624.jpg)
Kaurit 385 + Bonit 10260 + Bonit 12870介绍
Kaurit 385: Liquid Kaurit glue, used in door, furniture, plywood and parquet industry.
Bonit 10260: Dry mixture, powder
Bonit 12870: Hardener, liquid
Bonit 10260:干粉混合物
Bonit 12870:液体硬化剂